* cached only if the image has previously been loaded
jQuery 'onImagesLoad' Plugin

Example 4 - Combination of Examples 1, 2, and 3

  • This is a completely unnecessary example that combines Example 1, Example 2, and Example 3 into one giant mess, but shows the flexibility of the plugin.


<script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.onImagesLoad.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
		var eventNumber = 1; //so we can track the ordering of the events in the example
		function displayTxt(domObject){ //helper function for displaying results
            return '&lt;' + domObject.tagName + (domObject.id ? ' id=&quot;' + domObject.id + '&quot;' : '') + '&gt;';

        ///////////////////////// EXAMPLE 3 /////////////////////////
        //attach directly to each image within each .imageSection
        $('.imageSection img').onImagesLoad({
            each : eachImgLoaded_example3,
            all : allImgsLoaded_example3
        //eachImgLoaded_example3 - the 'each' callback is invoked once for each individual image that loads
        //i.e. the 'each' callback will be invoked "$('.imageSection img').length" times
        function eachImgLoaded_example3(domObject){
			//note: this == domObject. domObject will be the image element that has just finished loaded
            $(domObject).parent().prepend('<div class="loaded">Event #'+(eventNumber++)+': Image ' + displayTxt(domObject) + ' has loaded. '
            'Displayed dimensions: ' + domObject.width + 'x' + domObject.height + '</div>');
        //allImgsLoaded_example3 - the 'all' callback is invoked only once: when all images that
        //$('.imageSection img') encapsulates have loaded
        function allImgsLoaded_example3($selector){
            //note: this == $selector. $selector is $('.imageSection img') here
            var allLoaded = ""; //build a string of all items within the selector
                allLoaded  = displayTxt(this) + ', ';
            $('body').prepend('<div class="loaded">Event #'+(eventNumber++)+': The following images have loaded within selector $(&quot;'
				+this.selector+'&quot;), which contains the following ' + $selector.length + ' items: ' + allLoaded + '</div>');

        ///////////////////////// EXAMPLE 2 /////////////////////////
		//attach onImagesLoad to specific divs
            each : eachItemLoaded_example2,
            all : allImgsLoaded_example2
        //eachItemLoaded_example2 - the 'each' callback is invoked once for each item that $('.imageSection') encapsulates
        //i.e. $('.imageSection').length == 2 here, so the 'each' callback will be invoked twice
        function eachItemLoaded_example2(domObject){
            //note: this == domObject. domObject will be the <div class="imageSection" /> that has just finished loading all of its images
            $(domObject).prepend('<div class="loaded">Event #'+(eventNumber++)+': All images have loaded within item '
				+ displayTxt(domObject) + '</div>');
        //allImgsLoaded_example2 - the 'all' callback is invoked only once: when all images that
        //$('.imageSection') encapsulates have loaded
        function allImgsLoaded_example2($selector){
            //note: this == $selector. $selector is $('.imageSection') here and $selector.length == 2 (since we have 2 imageSection classes on the page)
            var allLoaded = ""; //build a string of all items within the selector
                allLoaded = displayTxt(this) + ', ';
            $('body').prepend('<div class="loaded">Event #'+(eventNumber++)+': All images have loaded within selector $(&quot;'
				+ $selector.selector + '&quot;), which contains the following ' + $selector.length + ' items: ' + allLoaded + '</div>');

		///////////////////////// EXAMPLE 1 /////////////////////////
        //attach onImagesLoad to the entire body - invoked once when all images contained within $('body') have loaded
        $('body').onImagesLoad( function($selector){
            //note: this == $selector. $selector will be $("body") in this example
            $selector.prepend('<div class="loaded">Event #'+(eventNumber++)+': All images have loaded within selector $(&quot;'
				+ this.selector + '&quot;)</div>');


image image image
image image image image
© 2008-2025 - Plugin by Cirkuit Networks, Inc. - https://www.cirkuit.net/
Images from https://www.freeimages.co.uk/